BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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What is the Ideal Protein Diet?

What Makes the Ideal Protein Method Unique?

Ideal Protein Weight Loss

At this time of year, lots of people are exploring different types of diet programs. The Ideal Protein method we employ at BonVie Weight Loss & Nutritional Wellness is a medically designed, 4 phase-weight loss program focused on pancreas and blood sugar balance, resulting in rapid and safe fat loss. This protocol spares muscle mass, lowers high blood pressure, high insulin and high cholesterol.

The Ideal Protein protocol is a short course of weight loss, moving you quickly and safely through 3 active phases into the 4th maintenance phase. We focus on rapid fat burning for energy, rather than relying on glucose and muscle stores for energy. You never want to burn down muscle on a diet because muscle uses fat for fuel.

You Won’t Feel Hungry

We limit carbohydrates to a bare minimum to keep the body in "fat-burning” mode. And as some healthy fat is required by the body each day, 2 teaspoons of olive or grapeseed oil and ample essential fatty acids are included. Our dieters eat four cups of non-starchy vegetables and unlimited greens throughout the day for fiber and nutrients along with 8 Oz of their own lean protein. With all this food, dieters on our program do not feel hungry!

Effective Supplements

The specially formulated Multi-vitamin, Calcium-magnesium, Omega3’s, Potassium, and sea salt, ensure proper micro-nutrient and electrolyte balance. Enzymes or Branched Chain Amino Acids may be added to accelerate fat burning.

Coaching is the Key

A big part of dieter success on the Ideal Protein program comes from our trained and certified Ideal Protein coaches guiding you with expertise and encouragement on a weekly basis. We educate and motivate you, along with providing tools like a food journal to keep you accountable.

This one-to-one coaching support gives you the support to lose weight quickly, but more importantly, to keep it off forever - no more yo-yo dieting. That’s why the Ideal Protein method is called “Your Last Diet”.

Food variety and Delicious Choices

A cornerstone of the Ideal Protein protocol is the wide selection of food choices and the quality of those protein meals, shakes, bars and snacks.

Dieter fatigue or burn-out most often happens because the individual gets tired of a very limited and often unpalatable menu selection (and poor coaching support). Not so with Ideal protein foods. With over 60 textures and flavors to choose from our dieters can stick to their program until they reach their goal.

Quality and Integrity of the Food

Before choosing Ideal Protein at BonVie I did exhaustive research and to this day have found no better protein supplements. Ideal Protein is the only FDA-certified diet or protein food available in the US. Ingredients are Non-GMO certified, are sourced from Europe, and are mostly organic.

This FDA certification is very important as it requires accountability for the quality, quantity, and place of origin of the ingredients, particularly the protein.

All other diet and protein foods are sold as “supplements” and are not regulated – meaning that you really don’t know the quality nor usability of the protein.

Ingredients and usability of the protein can vary greatly in other diets or protein foods, regardless of what the label says. As an example, many of these come from China which may include contaminants that you really don’t want in your body.

Why Ideal Protein and BonVie Weight Loss?

The Ideal Protein method and our BonVie coaching support ensure you get to your weight loss goal quickly, safely, and more importantly, that you can sustain your new body form and health over time.