BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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Getting Your pH Right!


Acidic or Alkaline?

Eating right for your pH

While we’re not going to run you through an entire chemistry course here, we do want you to know how the pH level in the human body measures how acidic or alkaline it is. The pH scale represents the pH level in your body. A pH of 0 is completely acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is completely alkaline. You typically want to have a pH somewhere between 7 to 14; falling below that on a daily basis could result in maladies such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.

To maintain the alkaline balance of your blood, your meals should be made up of 70% alkaline-forming foods, like vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, herbs, and grains like quinoa, with 30% acid-forming foods, like meat beans, some nuts (walnuts), fruits (berries), and minimal dairy.)

When foods are consumed they are either acidifying or alkalizing. Even though we think some foods like lemons and vinegar must be acidic, they actually rate high on the Alkaline scale. Many of the foods that we eat today are acidic, such as bread, pastas, rice, dairy, and even meat, leading to low pH levels and many unwanted health problems.

Do you know that you can control your pH by what you eat, and it's well worthwhile learning the advantages of monitoring how our foods affect our pH? Let's look at a list of foods that will increase your pH.

Seeds and nuts

In a weight maintenance program (which is what we are talking about in this article, as opposed to a weight-loss regime) nuts and seeds offer alkaline properties to help with increasing your pH. Chestnuts and almonds are at the top of the Alkaline list, with almonds having many other beneficial nutrients such as Calcium. To a lesser degree, cashews and macadamia nuts can be alkalizing depending on the sources you read. Sunflower seeds are great on the seed side.

The fats in these nuts also make you feel fuller - longer! They provide satiety and satisfaction (unless they are loaded with salt which tends to have us eat "more". Do watch the quantity – those “handfuls” can add up calories fast.

Vinegar - who knew?

Yes, vinegar may taste acidic, but when coming in contact with the body, it has alkaline properties to help with balancing your pH. Simply mixing some olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper with a salad or veggies is a tasty way to boost your pH. Some people like to make hot water, apple cider vinegar “tea”.


It’s no surprise that veggies are on this list because they’re good for just about everything. Spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, celery, peppers, and onions are just a few examples of veggies to help increase your pH. And these choices are also low glycemic – it’s a win-win!


Fruits are also up there with veggies as they are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. A few fruits to help boost your pH are kiwi, pear, apple, lemon (yes, lemon), berries, and peaches. Isn’t it interesting that foods like lemon and vinegar which taste acidic actually help to make your body alkaline?

SOME grains

While most grains get a bad rap due to the dense carbohydrate/sugar count, there are a few which will help boost your pH level such as Amaranth, millet, and quinoa.

Chart of Alkaline to Acid Foods

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Foods to avoid

Foods that acidify when eaten, including dairy products (cheese, milk, eggs), meats (particularly red meat, lamb) wheat, and sugar should be watched for overconsumption. Eating these foods in excess can lead to an acidic pH level and eventually other health issues. Eating these foods in moderation and coupled with alkaline foods is just fine.

A diet that includes too many acid-producing foods can cause acidity in your urine. This can cause a type of kidney stone called uric acid stones to form.

It’s been speculated that too much acidity can also cause bone and muscle deterioration. This is because bones contain calcium, which your body uses to restore your blood’s pH balance when it becomes too acidic. Some evidence suggests that phosphoric acid, commonly found in darker sodas, is linked to lower bone density, especially when it replaces milk, a calcium and protein-rich beverage. Too much acidity can also increase your risk for cancer, liver problems, and heart disease.

Researchers at the University of California in San Diego suggest eating more sources of alkaline-producing foods, such as fruits and vegetables, at a 3-to-1 ratio. The pH of food before you eat it is less important than what it turns into once it’s inside your body.

High-acid foods

Foods that tend to cause more acidity and that you may need to limit or avoid include:

  • grains

  • sugar

  • certain dairy products

  • fish

  • processed foods

  • fresh meats and processed meats, such as corned beef and turkey

  • sodas and other sweetened beverages

  • high-protein foods and supplements

Bottom Line

Being that we now know the importance of a balanced pH in your body, we can make a conscious effort each day to support this vital balance. So go ahead, add more veggies, fruits, and nuts which are highly alkaline, and feel the benefits of a more balanced pH. Whether you are blending these foods in a smoothie, adding them to your favorite salad, or eating them as is, the addition of these alkaline foods to your daily diet will increase your mental and physical health. Try it, your body will thank you!

And for those of you interested in weight loss as part of a holistic health plan, the Ideal Protein method we employ here at BonVie is an Alkaline approach – part of the reason our dieters feel so good while on the program.