BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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Ooh! Let’s Spring Clean Your Diet!

It’s now Spring and there’s no better time to clean up our diets.

Spring has sprung!

When I was growing up this meant a thorough Spring house cleaning. Kerchiefs around our heads, mops in hand, we cleaned up and discarded what was no longer needed as we headed into a fresh new season. Might this be a great analogy for our diets and relationship with food as we wind up a long, wet, and cold West coast winter?

We all know that time flies so what we are really looking at here, is how to begin weight loss now so that we are ready for those light and airy summertime clothes and events just around the corner.

Make a commitment

Decide if you are ready. Are you feeling sufficiently motivated to stick to a plan? Are you ready to commit to following a diet protocol? Are you open to following expert coaching support?

Have a plan

Choose a weight loss plan based on your body’s physiology. This means a low-carb, high-protein protocol along with proper hydration and micronutrients. When you get your pancreas to rebalance as a result of eating the correct amount and types of carbs and protein, you will gain proper function of your pancreas which leads to fat loss.

Work with a weight loss coach

Choose a coach who will guide you one on one through a specific program of fat loss. An effective coach will make adjustments as needed to best suit your personal lifestyle.

Be Patient

The fat you gained happened over time. Likewise, it will take time to lose those unwanted pounds.

As we age several factors are at play that can contribute to slower fat loss: like a slower metabolic rate, hormonal changes, and generally decreased activity. But none of those will prevent you from losing body fat, if you have the stick-to-it-ness for the time it takes to get to your optimal weight, clothes size, and energy.

Please join us at BonVie Weight Loss & Nutritional Wellness where we provide you with expert guidance, a proven plan personalized just for you, and the motivation and support to help you stay on track.

It’s time to Spring clean our nutrition and our bodies for a lighter, more carefree summer ahead!