Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday AND Avoid Overeating!

Check Out the Five Tips Below!

A lot goes into making a memorable Thanksgiving holiday and much of that centers around sharing and enjoying food with our friends and family. This abundance of fabulous fare, plus a dose of stress related to preparation, coordination, perhaps travel, and maybe even sharing time with certain individuals, can easily lead to overeating and drinking. How do we get through this holiday week without gaining weight and regretting overconsumption?

  1. Do not skip meals before the big feast! “Saving calories” only means you are likely to binge later, and often into the next day. Eat a small high-protein breakfast, and a lunch of veggies, salad, and protein. Avoid carbs and sweet foods to manage later cravings.

  2. Have a protein snack (our Ideal Protein snacks are filling and satisfying) right before guests arrive, or if you are going to another home or restaurant. By not being hungry when the socialization begins you are much less likely to overeat or binge on high-fat or high-carb foods.

  3. Get some exercise earlier in the day, preferably outdoors. Even a brief walk around the neighborhood will give you a moment of thoughtful reflection, and a boost of endorphins for more energy and relaxation to ease stress. Invite your family and guests to join you!

  4. When it’s time to feast, go for the protein. Load up on turkey or other protein that graces your table, and enjoy smaller portions of those special holiday dishes.

  5. Start with smaller portions and pause before you go back for seconds. It is our brains that tell us we need more, not our stomachs and it takes 20 minutes for our brain to register we are satiated. Ask yourself am I “yummy-hungry” or “tummy-hungry”? By taking a pause, our brains will catch up and our cravings reduced.

Let’s remember, that this wonderful Thanksgiving feast is but one meal on one day. To save your waistline and our well-being, we do not need to over-consume all day long - or over several days in a row.

We wish you a special Thanksgiving filled with gratitude with friends and family!

“The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for.” — Norman Vincent Peale

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


Tips to Avoid that Annual Holiday Weight Gain!


How to Lose those Pesky Pounds as the Holidays Approach