Tips to Avoid that Annual Holiday Weight Gain!

The holidays are in full swing and that means for many of us, feeling overwhelmed. So much to do; so little time!

This is an important time to ask for support to stay on your BonVie Ideal Protein program. Or if you are in maintenance where your goal is to not gain any holiday weight and you are worried that’s exactly what will happen, reach out for support.

Be proactive and ask your family to help you get through the holidays without gaining weight. The more specific you are with your partner, and or kids, the more likely they will be able to offer support and cheer you on (and maybe even hide those holiday cookies).

With friends and close work associates let them know as appropriate that you have a goal to lose, not gain weight during this holiday season and you’d love their support. Letting them know before a social gathering that you are not eating carbs nor drinking alcohol, will help avoid any awkwardness once you arrive at the event (and assure them not to change their menu for you).

Your BonVie weight loss coach is happy to offer extra support during the holiday season. We know it’s very hard to stay true to your program and avoid the temptations, especially with the stress seemingly built into the holidays.

And sometimes you just need to blow off steam and share your thoughts and feelings. Sharing with a family member, a friend, and your Ideal Protein coach will help you gain a fresh perspective and helpful advice when dealing with the “overwhelm”.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


Six Tips for Moderating Your Alcohol Consumption.


Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday AND Avoid Overeating!