Six Tips for Moderating Your Alcohol Consumption.

For many people, drinking alcohol during the holidays can wreak havoc with their weight and well being. But how do you keep from overdoing it? How do you resist both the festive temptations and the social pressures?

Here are six tips to get you through the holidays in moderation or abstinence altogether. And if you are on our weight loss program at BonVie these tips will be extra helpful to keep you on track for an alcohol free (or greatly reduced) holiday season.

Check out these helpful ideas!

  • Water is your best replacement for alcohol. At home, at the office, or holiday party ask for sparkling or soda water with a slice of lemon or lime. And request it be served in whatever kind of tall glass from which you would normally drink a cocktail. This helps trick the mind. And those around you if you feel social pressure.

  • Have a “one-liner” prepared to resist social or family pressures. Those closest to you will know you are watching your weight and are hopefully supporting you, but let’s say it’s a business event – you can say “Oh, I’m just not drinking tonight” or “I’m taking a break this week”. You do not need to share that you are on a weight loss program unless you want to.

  • Commit to yourself that you are not going to drink - before you go to a party or holiday gathering. That way you have already made a decision - before you find a glass of wine in your hand.

  • If you do decide to drink, commit beforehand that you will enjoy one drink only, then switch to flavored water. And for sure avoid cocktails. They are loaded with sugar and some of those festive cocktails can equal your entire calorie count for the day. Stick to a glass of wine, champagne, or white alcohol with soda water.

  • Be sure to eat before you go out! (just like eating before you go grocery shopping).

  • Write down your reasons for wanting to refrain: like losing your muffin top or beer belly, wearing your favorite clothes size again, or lowering your blood pressure.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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