What’s Up with Cravings?

Have you ever experienced that nemesis of weight control: cravings?

Craving sweets, salt, or fat can derail your good habits. So how do you deal?

Craving sweets, salt, or fat can derail your good habits. So how do you deal?

Those sneaky little guys can come out of nowhere and control your mind until it’s satisfied, right? Some people crave sweets, others salty or fatty foods, even red meats, and of course, chocolate! So you may ask, what are cravings, and what is my body really telling me I need?

Food cravings are an eager desire or yearning to consume a specific food. This is different from normal hunger. You may not even feel hungry at the time but your body is screaming for you to eat a piece of chocolate or those chips. Crazy, right? Not so much. Why? Because food cravings may actually be a mild form of malnutrition from eating depleted, processed foods and not enough of nutrient-rich/whole foods. Meaning that when you get a craving, your body may be telling you that you are lacking certain vitamins & minerals it needs.

But why does my body tell me all the bad foods? Well, because your conscious mind isn’t aware of the specific flavors of the nutrients you need. It is aware, however, of salty, sweet, fatty, and others. That craving gives enormous focus to indulge. That is why you go for the bag of chips or chocolate!

Let’s look at what certain cravings are really telling you and what you should grab instead.

Craving Salt?

If you desire salty foods like chips, popcorn, or french fries your body is asking you for Chloride. What the heck do I eat that has Chloride in it? Try fish or adding mineralized sea salt to other foods you eat during the day, or even raw goat milk.

Craving Sweets?

“Gosh, all I want to do is eat M&Ms, a Butterfinger, Gummie Bears, or some Reeses!” Sound like you at all? If yes, here’s what your body really needs: Chromium, Carbon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Tryptophan. Say what?! Try these foods instead of grabbing the candy: fresh fruits, broccoli, cheese, poultry/beef/fish, nuts, grains, cranberries, horseradish, kale, cabbage, sweet potatoes, or spinach. All of these will help you get the nutrients you need and guard you against a blood sugar roller coaster that will only lead to more and more cravings if you give in to the cookie jar.

Craving Chocolate?

Here’s a big one. How many women crave chocolate on a regular basis? I’m betting most of us! Guess what you are lacking? MAGNESIUM! Here’s what to eat: raw nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruits. Yes, dark chocolate (75% cocoa or higher) has antioxidants and lower sugar amounts than other chocolates and will give you the magnesium that you need but keep in mind it’s still a stimulant. Meaning that when you eat chocolate it’s “basically an antidepressant in dessert form that your body instinctively seeks out when your happy chemicals are bottoming out and you need a quick lift” says Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, M.D.

Craving Red Meat?

Hello, iron deficiency! Seafood, leafy greens, root vegetables, beans, legumes, prunes, and figs are all great options and are high in iron. So how about just eating more red meat? Just be sure you choose lean cuts, organically grown if possible, and watch the serving size.

Craving Cheese, Fatty, or Oily Foods?

It means you may be low in the fatty acid department. Try eating walnuts, salmon, flaxseed, mustard/turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, sesame. Cheese as well can be an option- just not too much! High-quality fish oil supplements can also help ensure you are getting sufficient and healthy omegas.

By substituting or adding these healthy options to your diet, you will notice a change in your cravings. They will subside over time, your energy will rise, and may lessen an imbalance of hormone levels. Over time, you may even notice your clothes getting looser. All positives here! Go on now, try to satisfy those cravings in a better way.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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