The Three Phases of the BonVie - Ideal Protein Program

At BonVie we utilize the Ideal Protein method, a medically designed 3 phase ketogenic program to stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels resulting in steady fat loss while sparing essential muscle mass, lowering high blood pressure, high insulin, and high cholesterol. Most importantly, one-to-one coaching support gives you the tools to not regain after you lose ~ no more yo-yo dieting.

At BonVie our trained and certified Ideal Protein consultants guide and motivate you with expertise, accountability, and encouragement on a weekly basis. Yes, you will lose your desired weight but more importantly, we give you the skills to not regain in the future.

The 3 Phases

Phase 1 is followed until you reach your weight loss goal and includes three Ideal Protein meals/snacks per day and your own healthy meal for dinner and snacks between meals. You eat a total of 4 cups of your own vegetables, unlimited greens throughout the day, and 6 – 8 oz of your own protein. Some dieters prefer adding a 4th Ideal Protein snack.

While lowering your carb/sugar cravings and learning lifelong healthy eating habits in Phase One, each successive phase involves using fewer Ideal Protein foods and snacks which guarantees sustainable weight loss while progressively lowering the program cost.

Phase 2 is followed for two weeks only and is the beginning of stabilization. You have only two Ideal Protein snacks per day, and you continue with your vegetables and increase your own lean protein as directed in the protocol.

In the second week, we reintroduce higher sugar/carbohydrate foods to the pancreas. 

Phase 3 is the maintenance or Life Style phase. By now you have changed your eating behaviors and will find that you choose foods that keep your insulin and weight loss in balance. We ask that you check in once a month during the first year to ensure you do not slip back into excessive carb-eating behaviors. You do not need to eat any Ideal Protein foods in maintenance – though most clients still enjoy them for snacks - they are yummy, low carb, high protein, satisfying - and super convenient.

BonVie also offers an “Athletic Protocol” and a “Vegetarian Protocol”. Many of our 60 food choices are gluten-free with soy and lactose-free options, and many Kosher.

Let us help you reach your clothes size and weight goals!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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