Remember why you are on this diet.

Staying on your weight loss plan takes commitment and dedication, not only to follow your specific program but also to resist certain social, work, and family pressures (or sometimes expectations). “Just have one drink with us”. Or “you must have some of this delicious cake – it’s my birthday” Or “I made this just for you”. These pressures, usually coming from a place of love, can be hard to resist. Either we don’t want to hurt that person’s feelings, or we want to “feel part of”. Or we don’t want to fight the pressure. The result: we forget why we committed to our weight loss program in the first place and succumb to the pressure. That is why it’s important each day to reinforce in ourselves “I am doing this for me.”

Here are two tips to help resist the kind of social pressure which could sabotage your program:

  1. If the occasion involves people you know and who know you want to lose weight, let them know in advance of the occasion that you won’t be eating carbs or drinking alcohol. “The menu sounds fabulous but just wanted to let you know I won’t be drinking or eating carbs tonight”

  2. If you do not let people know in advance, or with people and occasions you are not familiar with, have a prepared line at the ready like: “oh I’m just not drinking tonight” or “I’m just not eating carbs this week”. Keep it light and bright; you don’t need to explain; you do not need to say you are on a diet. If someone keeps pressuring you, gently change the subject.

Do it for yourself. For your self-esteem, quality of life, your health, and your happiness. 

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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