BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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How to enjoy a less stressed holiday season!

With the hectic pace and demands of the holidays, many of us feel stressed and overworked.

It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness can make us unhappy, impatient, and frustrated. It can even affect our health stalling our weight loss, or worse! At BonVie, we often have clients who are “stressed out.” Let’s face it, who isn’t?! People are so committed every moment of the day during the holidays that it’s harder and harder to step back even for a minute. So, we have some tips for you.

  1. Try meditation for even a few minutes every day. This practice can wipe stress while restoring the calm and inner peace the body longs for. It also helps us “learn how to transform our minds from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy.”

  2. Move your body! Doing a regular exercise class is a great idea but if trying to make that one more thing fit into your schedule makes for even more stress, then keep it simple: go for a walk – even a 5-minute walk (preferably outside as fresh air is its own kind of elixir) will do wonders for your mind and improve your focus and concentration at work. Really stuck at your desk? Do arm-chair push-ups!

  3. Create time for yourself and don't feel guilty about it. Between family, work, personal & social engagements time might not seem possible! It’s one of the biggest reasons we hear. So here’s what you do: block it in your calendar and treat it like an appointment you can’t miss. It’s that important to get your “me” time.

  4. Reach out when you're feeling most stressed. Being able to talk to others for support helps the mind settle. Others can give you feedback, encouragement, and lightness that will help you get through. Try friends, family, a close co-worker, or (if on the Ideal Protein diet) us at Bon Vie!

  5. Laugh! Watch or read something funny each day, or surround yourself with someone you know who makes you laugh. Laughing releases endorphins and will decrease your cortisol levels.

  6. Last, and perhaps the simplest is to simply – breathe. Set your timer for five minutes, close your eyes, and just focus on your breath. This will bring you back to the moment and calm your mind.

So try a few of these tips (or all of them) and see what works best for you to reduce those tension levels. Life is too short to be stressed all the time! Even better, your BonVie coach will guide you to create your holiday success blueprint! Contact us today and let’s make a plan together. Click here to get started.