What Successful People do
The value of drive, goals, accountability, and risk.
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash
Traits of Successful People
There are thousands of books, articles, workshops, papers, and blogs written about the traits and habits which successful people share. They touch on everything from being punctual to staying positive, from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to meditation. Something for everyone, right?
We hear success stories from ultra-runners to entrepreneurs highlighted constantly … but what DO these people have in common? There are some fundamentals which all successful people employ and if you apply some of these tips you will have more success too!
Here at BonVie, success is measured by happiness, health, satisfaction, and self-esteem. And that number on the scale can for some people be an indicator of both successes and of self-perceived failure. During our one on one weekly coaching sessions, we provide guidance, encouragement, motivation, and skills for our clients to be most successful in their goal to a slimmer and healthier body.
But today our focus is beyond weight loss as we consider what highly successful people do and how that can be applied to all aspects of life. Here is a best-selling author and international speaker Grant Cardone’s perspective.
“They Go to Work to Prosper, Not Just to Work”
They want to be great, the best of the best. These people always give it their best. When they do something, anything, they commit to it and follow through 100%. They do not entertain cheating themselves or others. If you always give your all, you can never be upset with yourself or the things we cannot control.
This applies to all aspects of life but in regards to weight loss, doing something to prosper means sticking to the protocol, not cheating yourself with deviations and keeping your health at the forefront...
“They Exercise Incredible Drive”
These people work at it. They fight for what they want and believe in, and don’t give in until the job is done. This drive and resilience will bring them to great places, and to accomplish great goals. Once they set their mind to something, they have a clear path to follow and they go all the way.
Here at BonVie, that incredible drive can be in the form of making a commitment to follow the Ideal Protein protocol, which includes planning, like: be sure your pantry is always stocked with the right foods for the week ahead. Your incredible drive also means incredible willpower. We encourage you to make all your actions serve your end goal: health and the body you desire. As owner and head coach at BonVie, I live by the mantra: “Whatever it takes”.
“They Never Make Excuses”
Life is busy… for everyone. We’ve all got lots going on and sometimes it feels like we’ll never catch up. This is life, and successful people realize that it is not an excuse to give up, nor to lose balance. Having balance in work, with family and friends, personal time and play, keeps us successful.
Weight loss and maintenance require a change in how we choose food, and it requires commitment and a constant eye on the prize. Goals are healthy, excuses are not. Don’t waste your energy blaming someone or something that just “happened to you.” Work with what you can control – and that includes what you put in your mouth and how you fuel your body.
“They Focus on Their Goals Daily”
There are numerous tactics to help focus and achieve your goals every day and these have a huge impact on success. It’s important that you find what works best for you. What has in the past? If it’s not working anymore, change it up.
Successful people do focus on their goals daily. Check out Grant Cardone’s perspective.. For basics, he writes down his goals every morning.
Long-term studies show that the most successful people do write their goals down. I do my best to jot down what I want to accomplish each day and I write 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year goals. It helps a lot!
What will you try?
“They Are Willing to Fail”
Thoughtful risk-taking is paramount to success. Conversely “unsuccessful people play it safe”
Here at BonVie, we encourage all our clients to go beyond their fears (sometimes it may be of actually achieving the weight they desire); stay laser-focused on their goals, appreciate their successes, get right back up after temporary setbacks and obstacles along the way that may make them discouraged. What’s important is getting back on track and actively working towards a healthier you each and every day.