No More Yo-Yo Dieting!

The Ideal Protein method is a medically designed protocol resulting in rapid fat loss while sparing essential muscle mass. We focus on reducing belly fat and the health risks associated with excess body weight. We provide you with the tools to keep that fat off forever.

Fresh, wild salmon is an excellent source of healthy fats. Photo by Ramille Soares on Unsplash

As trained and certified Ideal Protein consultants in Santa Monica and Portland Oregon we guide you through rapid, safe weight loss with expertise and encouragement on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This one-on-one coaching serves to educate and motivate you with a consistent method that is scientifically proven and deemed by most participants as easy to maintain.

At the heart of the Ideal Protein Method is insulin regulation and pancreatic health. Since being developed in France 25 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh MD, Ph.D. for Olympic athletes who needed to lose body fat without the loss of muscle, more than 7 million individuals have successfully utilized the Ideal Protein Method. Our FDA-approved products are only available through health care professionals and are not sold in stores, over the internet, or through network marketing.

The Ideal Protein Weight loss Method is a 3-phase protocol designed to stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels while burning fat and maintaining muscle and lowering high insulin, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.


Honestly - it’s really simple.

For most people, the “why” is about having too much insulin released by our pancreas over an extended time in response to excessive sugars (carbohydrates) in our diets. Insulin’s primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels - it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells – stored fat. An overabundance of insulin facilitates weight gain and keeping us overweight.

Too much insulin causes a yo-yo effect leading to hypoglycemia which in turn induces powerful sugar cravings. Over time, the body becomes insulin-resistant leading to type 2 diabetes and a host of serious health problems including cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.

Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight loss. As long as sugar of any kind is being consumed, the body is not burning fat. It’s burning glucose and sometimes muscle. It's as simple as that.

“The cause of most weight issues in modern society is insulin dysfunction,” says Dr. Tran Tien Chanh MD, Ph.D. Our North American diet is grossly heavy in saturated fats and sugars, such as those in bread, pasta, pizza, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, rice, corn (just look at the Food Pyramid with its 6-9 servings of carbs a day!). This causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, causing a chronic tug-of-war between insulin and blood sugar levels.

The “How” to lose it is to get the body to burn its fat reserves and not its muscle mass reserves. Popular thought remains that to lose weight one must consume fewer calories than are expended and that’s true – to a point. To specifically target fat loss and to sustain ideal weight, we must consider other factors.

The body’s sources of energy come from blood glucose, glycogen (stored glucose), muscle, and fat. It draws on these reserves in a very specific order; first burning the glucose in the blood and next the glycogen reserve. Once the glycogen is exhausted, then and only then will it turn to the muscle and fat sources.

Significantly reducing carbohydrates while maintaining muscle mass with high-quality protein (but not too much) the body will turn to fat stores for energy. That’s why achieving and sustaining your healthiest weight depends more on what we eat, not how much.

To lose weight we want to deplete glycogen stores and keep these at a bare minimum while having adequate protein (1/2 gram per lb of lean muscle is one calculation). This forces the body to stay in the fat-burning mode. At the same time, we need to eat lots of nonstarchy vegetables and unlimited lettuce salads daily to provide fiber, plus multi-vitamins and minerals to ensure proper electrolyte balance.

I emphasized a dietary focus today, but we know that fitness and optimum health also require regular and adequate exercise, reduced stress, and a positive attitude.

Be well.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


Corn: You’re Eating Too Much Without Even Knowing It.


Healthy Vegetables!