Cravings are those sneaky little urges for food that can come out of nowhere and control your mind until you give in to it and even then, cravings are not always satisfied.

Some people crave sweets, others salty or fatty foods, even red meats, and of course, chocolate! So what exactly are cravings, and can I do about them?

Food cravings are an eager desire or a yearning to consume a specific food. This is different from normal hunger. You may have just eaten a full meal and not feel hungry but your body is screaming for chocolate or those salty chips. This can seem crazy, and out of control but there are always reasons for cravings. 

For many people, it’s stress-eating at the root of our cravings. We may be having a background dialogue going on in our heads – fears about money, relationships, work, and friends.... This chatter between our ears creates low-grade anxiety. A food fix, just like drugs or alcohol can remove the edge and calm our minds. But it’s only temporary. 

Food cravings can actually be a mild form of malnutrition from eating depleted, processed foods and not enough nutrient-rich/whole foods; and very often not eating sufficient protein. Or eating inconsistently without a schedule.  Those of us who are “grazers” are very prone to cravings because we never feel fully satiated. Eating infrequent meals, such as while fasting can lead to cravings once you go back to regular eating. And not eating breakfast is a perfect setup for cravings later in the day.  What all this says is that when you get a craving, your body may be telling you that you are lacking nutrition and certain vitamins & minerals it needs. 

Insufficient sleep is a trigger for cravings. Our bodies are depleted and we try to fulfill that sleep deprivation with constant urges to replenish through food.  

Let’s look at what some common cravings are really telling you and what you should grab instead. 

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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