February’s Slippery Slope on a Weight Loss Diet.

In February we think of Valentine’s Day. And what is a primary association with Valentines? Chocolate and candy! It’s hard to resist when friends and family and affectionate partners bestow yummy and perhaps romantic treats and romantic dinners upon us. But sometimes these February indulgences can lead us right off our weight loss program.

This is also the month where a lot of the best-intentioned new year resolutions fall by the wayside - particularly around dieting and nutrition. Perhaps we started the year off strong by swearing off sugars, giving up popcorn, or 2nd helpings, or doing a “Dry-January”; maybe it was an exercise regime. And perhaps we stuck with a plan but now find ourselves burned out or bored. February can be a challenging time of the year to stick to your diet program – and why it’s especially important to get recommitted and sign up for some really good weight loss coaching - as we offer at BonVie Weight Loss & Nutritional Wellness

Good weight loss coaching is designed to motivate and support you, and to keep you accountable. A good coach will be regularly adjusting your program, according to your lifestyle and responsibilities, your changing tastes, exercise, and travel – it’s our job to make the program work for you (providing you will work the program). Also to make adjustments for the bored and burned-out syndromes. We need to keep it fresh so that you can stick with your program until you reach your goal. February can be a crucial month for staying on your weight loss path or signing up for a great program and coaching support. After all, Spring Break is right around the corner!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss




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