BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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Effective Tips for a Healthier, Happier You this Valentine’s Day

If You’re Not Feeling the Romantic Vibes, Maybe It’s Time to Lose Those Extra Lbs and Get Back that Libido!

After the overindulgence of the holiday season, you may be thinking of how to lose weight during 2023.  At BonVie Weight Loss & Nutritional Wellness we can help you lose extra lbs you picked up — or have been carrying around since COVID! They can dampen how you feel about yourself and your interactions with your partner!

Using the Ideal Protein method and high-biological protein foods, and with our coaching support and accountability we’ll get you on a strong, effective weight loss program 

In the meantime here are the top ways to reach your goal:

First: During fat loss, eliminate carbs completely. Think of how many times each day you eat carbs: carbs at breakfast, lunch, carbs for snacks, dinner, cocktail carbs, and dessert. And many of those “healthy” foods actually have a lot of hidden carbs – see our next blog article for examples which will surprise you

Second: Eat more protein. A lot more protein! Most of us get so filled up on carbs that we don’t eat way enough protein. Aim for 12-14 oz of lean protein a day. Here’s the reason.

With insufficient protein, we burn down muscle. Since muscle uses fat for fuel, we want to focus on sparing muscle. 

Most “diets” do not provide enough protein causing us to burn muscle for fuel; then at the end of the diet, the person puts all their weight (and more) back on, as they have less muscle to burn fat than they did prior to the diet.

Do limit red meat and high-fat fish to two times per week to keep your total fat content down while you are in weight loss mode. 

Third: Take a break from alcohol. Interestingly, it is not the carbs in drinks that keep us from burning fat - provided you stay away from mixed cocktails, dark alcohols, and beer - it is what happens to your metabolism. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver, not the gut, and while the liver is busy processing the toxins in alcohol, the body is not metabolizing fat. If you do decide to drink while trying to lose weight it will greatly slow down or eliminate reaching your goal.

Fourth: Fill up on vegetables (but make them the low-glycemic kind - that means veggies with a low sugar content). In addition to keeping you full, the micronutrients in vegetables are essential for energy, metabolism, and glowing skin.

Fifth: Speaking of glowing skin, drink between 64-80 oz of water each and every day. Proper hydration promotes fat burning. Water is free and it makes a big difference in fat burning.

Sixth Step:  Commit to writing it down! That means keeping a food journal. The NIH did a study showing people who kept a food diary while dieting lost 50% more weight! That’s like 50% faster or 50% cheaper, either way, you look at it.

Finally, Reduce your exercise. That’s right. Reduce the intensity of your workouts while you are in serious fat-loss mode. The adage “Eat Less, Exercise More” can be counter to burning fat (you may lose weight on the scale, but likely most of that is muscle – and remember, muscle burns fat for fuel). 

The reason to reduce aggressive activity is that the more you exercise, the more fuel you need. But on a weight loss program, calories need to be reduced. If you don’t eat enough calories to satisfy your workout, the body will burn its muscle stores and preserve its fat stores. 

That’s it! Except for our amazing coaching and Ideal Protein’s stellar products — and weight loss science. Let’s do this together!