The weather is changing. Why not you?
Fall is in the air! What a perfect time to turn over a new leaf and recommit to your weight and wellness goals!
The holidays are not yet upon us, and this means we still have time to drop weight during November and December or, if you are happy where you are, to have a plan to maintain that weight and clothes size over the two months ahead.
Building good habits before the holidays will give you the tools to carry you through a merry season and not gain any new weight. The key is to have a plan.
Here are five tips and tools to help you stay on track.
Make a Decision.: there will always be “something” to postpone, to stall, or to deviate on a weight loss or exercise program. Any good plan must start with a commitment. And it’s a good idea to have a plan in place before the holidays so you are armed with a strong program and tools to help you continue to lose or not gain weight even on the most challenging food days. And by having a strong plan in place you can enjoy the celebratory days ahead.
Thanksgiving is the first of the big traditional winter holidays. Remember, that special dinner is just one meal, or at the most, a day of feasting. Let’s remember it does not need to be the entire week or the entire month ahead. If you are currently on a weight loss program, commit to staying strictly on the protocol up to the big day.
Don’t skip meals to “save” calories – missing meals is a big mistake – it slows down and depresses your metabolism needed to burn fat. If you deprive yourself by fasting and then feel like “I’m starving” you will likely be even more prone to weight gain.
Relax and Take it Easy: Take time for yourself every day. I know that can feel impossible on some days, but even a few minutes of quiet reflection and calm can help keep all your systems in balance. Keep it Simple: Post-it notes on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror are simple but powerful reminders of your intentions. Write a few words of affirmation.
Practice mindfulness during meals and eat slowly. This means sitting down without digital distractions, chewing your food slowly, savoring the flavor, enjoying the company of those around you, or enjoying solitary peace and quiet.
Between holiday travel, bountiful gatherings, socializing with friends, and quantities of high-carb foods, there are many temptations and opportunities to go off your weight loss or maintenance routine. With a plan, commitment, and with supportive coaching, you can stick to your program – and enjoy these special days ahead!
Call today and we’ll get you on a do-able holiday plan.