How to Reduce Belly Fat

Would you Like to Lose that Mid-Section Muffin Top or Beer Belly? Like who doesn’t right!?

Reduce that Belly Fat

Reduce that Belly Fat

What we eat and how much we eat has a lot to do with storing fat around our mid-section – and struggling to get rid of it. High-fat foods, cheese, and fatty meats are a good place to start, although excess calories of any kind can increase your waistline and contribute to belly fat.

Hormones and Genetics

Powerful hormones - like insulin signals the body to store fat - particularly around the viscera or major organs - which are located mostly at our mid-section. Other hormones too tend to redistribute fat more to our belly area.

And genetics definitely help "define" us. While we can’t do much about either of those, we do have control over our nutrition and activity level.

What to Avoid

In addition to fatty high-calorie meats, especially processed and preserved meats, and high-fat dairy, foods with high carbohydrate/sugar content definitely add inches to the midsection There is that insulin response from our pancreas again.

And then there is Alcohol - and Diet Soda

You’ve all heard this description: beer belly. When you drink alcohol, your liver is too busy burning off alcohol to burn off fat, and - studies also show that alcohol can make you feel hungry by affecting hormones that regulate a sense of fullness.

How about substituting diet soda or fruit juices? Well, that’s not going to help you burn fat either. Studies have shown that people who drink diet soda end up fatter over time than those who drink regular soda.

Meanwhile, in regular soda, high-fructose corn syrup has pretty much replaced refined sugar as the main sweetener - and high fructose corn syrup is definitely a contributor to the obesity epidemic.

GMO's affect our Gut

I believe genetically modified organisms have much to do with the obesity epidemic in our country. Did you know that over 60 countries ban GMO's - but not America? Glyphosate—the most common herbicide used on GMO crops—has been shown to negatively impact the gut bacteria of humans. That translates to slower and less effective metabolism of the food we eat.

Look for our upcoming Utube video and blog on how GMO's negatively affect our health.

Does Exercise Help Reduce Belly Fat?

Most certainly. Though we are not talking about "spot reducing". Exercise, such as sit-ups, planking, or crunches are great for strengthening and firming your muscles however spot exercising does not specifically work on burning belly fat. Watch our video - Best Exercise to Burn Belly Fat- and see how Anerobic exercise, not aerobic, does target belly fat.

Just be aware: you cannot depend on exercise to rid your body of fat, belly or otherwise. Be vigilant that you are eating sufficient (a lot of) lean protein or using high biological available protein isolate supplements.


If you want to reduce or prevent the accumulation of belly fat, eliminate saturated fats and alcohol, reduce your portion size, and eat lots of low-fat protein. Increase fiber, fruits, and veggies avoid GMO foods, and exercise for overall conditioning and calorie burn.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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