What are the Best Fats to Eat?

The Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Foods Rich with Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Foods Rich with Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Why are Omega 3 fatty Acids or Fish Oil” Supplements the Good Fat ?

Because Omega-3 fatty acids may help lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis. They help your heart in several ways like curbing inflammation in the blood vessels (and the rest of your body). They also make abnormal heart rhythms less likely and lower your level of blood fats called triglycerides at high doses. And they can slow plaque buildup inside the blood vessels.

What is the Best of the Best Fat?

Fish oil is the best source of Omega 3’s, containing both DHA and EPA which provide the highest health benefits

Vegetable oils provide ALA (which has not shown the same health benefits as fish oil) but only small amounts of DHA and EPA. Flaxseed, green leafy vegetable and walnuts have lower amounts so again fish oil is best. Avoid marketing hype: many food products now boast having added omega-3’s - but most likely the amount of omega-3 is minimal. Quite likely they contain the ALA form of omega-3, which hasn't yet shown the same health benefits as EPA and DHA.

The challenge with Omega-3 Fatty Acids is that our bodies can't make them. That means we need to eat them or take supplements.

Top fish choices are salmon, black cod (aka Sable Fish or Butter Fish), mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, anchovies, and tuna and have at least 2 servings (6-8 ounces) a week. Tuna can be a good source of omega-3 but watch the source due to mercury contamination. Albacore tuna (often labeled "white") has more omega-3 than canned light tuna, but it also has a higher concentration of mercury contamination. The amount of omega-3 in a fresh tuna steak varies, depending on the species and limit albacore tuna to 6 ounces per week. Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish and remove skin and fat before cooking fish.

Omega-3 Supplements

Even if you like fish, quality supplements can really boost your Omega-3’s. And if you don’t prefer fish, then they are essential. One gram per day is recommended for people with heart disease, but ask your doctor before adding any supplement if you have medical conditions as high doses can interfere with some medicines or increase risk of bleeding. Choose Fish Oil capsules that are flavored with lemon so you don’t get that fishy taste or burp and read the label to find the amounts of EPA, DHA, or ALA you want.

Vegetarian Sources of Omega-3s

If you don't eat fish or fish oil, you can get a dose of DHA from algae supplements. Algae that is commercially grown is generally considered safe, though blue-green algae in the wild may contain toxins. Vegetarians also can get the ALA version of omega-3 from foods such as canola oil, flaxseed, walnuts, broccoli, and spinach but you’ll need to eat a whole lot of them…

If You Have Heart Disease

The American Heart Association recommends 1 gram a day of EPA plus DHA for people with heart disease. Eating oily fish is best but a fish oil capsule may also be recommended by your doctor. If you've had a heart attack, a prescription dose of omega-3s may help protect your heart. Some studies show fewer heart attacks and fewer heart disease deaths among heart attack survivors who boosted their levels of omega-3.

Helping Your Heart's Rhythm

Omega-3s seem to have a stabilizing effect on the heart. They can lower heart rate and help prevent arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms). Several common sources of omega-3s are fish, walnuts, broccoli, and edamame (green soybeans that are often steamed and served in the pod).

Cutting Triglycerides

Omega-3s DHA and EPA can lower your triglycerides, a blood fat that’s linked to heart disease. Talk with your doctor before taking omega-3 supplements because some types can worsen your "bad" cholesterol. You can also bring down triglyceride levels by exercising, drinking less alcohol, and cutting back on sweets and processed carbs like white bread and white rice.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

Omega-3s can help lower blood pressure. One plan is to replace red meat with fish during some meals. Avoid salty fish, such as smoked salmon. If you have high blood pressure, limiting salt is probably one of the things your doctor has recommended.

Inflammatory Conditions

Fish Oil can help with Rheumatoid Arthritis and inflammation. Studies suggest omega-3s can curb joint pain and stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis and a diet high in omega-3s may also boost the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do Fatty Acids Help Prevent Stroke?

Omega-3 foods and supplements curb plaque buildup inside blood vessels, helping with blood flow. So they may help prevent stroke caused by clots or a blocked artery. But at high doses, omega-3 supplements might make a bleeding-related stroke more likely; so check with your doctor.

Additional Brain Benefits

Depression and Brain Benefits?

Depression is rarer in countries where people eat a lot of omega-3s in their typical diet. But omega-3s aren't a treatment for depression. If you're depressed, talk with your doctor about what might help you feel better.

Help with ADHD?

Some studies suggest omega-3 supplements may ease the symptoms of ADHD. Omega-3 fatty acids are important in brain development and function. Omega-3s may provide some added benefits to traditional treatment, but they don't replace other treatments.


The jury is still out, but there's some evidence that omega-3s may help protect against dementia and age-related mental decline. In one study, older people with a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids were less likely to get Alzheimer's disease. More research is needed to confirm the link.

Do have questions about Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Give us a call today - we have lots of information to share!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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