How to Stick with an Exercise Routine

Follow These Tips for Exercise Success

Exercise for Health

Exercise for Health

Exercise is vital for physical, intellectual, emotional, and even spiritual health and longevity. Benefits include weight loss, increased muscle tone, muscle, and cardio endurance, cardiovascular health, and many disease-fighting elements. Exercise can transform our lives emotionally and mentally: we feel better about ourselves, we have more energy, our confidence, and self-esteem rise, our minds become more relaxed and those powerful endorphins create unique energy, even euphoria.

So while we recognize these benefits, having the initial motivation to kick ourselves off the couch and out the door, and the discipline to making exercise an essential part of our daily or at least weekly routine is another matter.

The Challenge of time

Most of us are challenged with time. We don’t have enough of it. Speaking from personal experience, it’s all too easy to take myself off the schedule and miss my exercise because it seems something “more important” needs my attention. It takes a real commitment to oneself and dedication to having balance in life, to consistently keep that appointment with ourselves for physical and mental well-being.

What then are some exercise tips that avid and regular athletes do to keep physical activity at the forefront?

Be Consistent

Just like any other lifestyle change, keeping the momentum is key. Writing out and scheduling your workouts, and sticking to it, contributes to your success. The idea is to create a (good) habit because the more you practice something the more it becomes second nature, and the more necessary and desirable it will feel.

Many people who have not exercised at all or not for a long time in life feel unmotivated and even dread taking that first step and then making exercise a “no-cancel” part of your schedule. Most people report that if they stick with an exercise routine for a solid month, it becomes a habit, even though that first month might have felt like an eternal grind. After that point, we find that exercise is something we crave, and depend upon, for feeling our best, having more energy, a more positive attitude, and the ability to cope with stress. The concept is to make exercise a habit.

Bring a Buddy!

As with any commitment, it is often easier to be consistent when you have someone else there with us. Company and commitment to that other person, or even a group, makes us feel a little more motivated. Recruit friends to join you on your workouts and make a consistent schedule. Make goals with each other; even challenge each other if that helps. Not only will you find working out with a friend more enjoyable, it will also keep you accountable and on a set schedule because when someone else is counting on us, but we also don’t want to let others down. Chances are there are some people you know who would like to get fit or start exercising, so ask around! Whether it’s a hike, yoga class, or a stroll on Santa Monica’s beach, bringing a buddy along with you will make your workout more enjoyable and something to look forward to!

Make it a "Standard"

Tony Robbins , a living legend, mogul, and Life Coach, will tell you, “people don’t get what they want, they get their standards”. In a nutshell, a standard is a “must” and this is what determines what people get in life. For example, your diet is a standard. If you eat a clean diet on a daily basis, this is because this is a “must” for you. If you brush your teeth every night, this is also a “must” for you. If you were to ask someone who workouts every day if this is their standard, they would probably say yes. They make it a part of their life, and chances are, they will almost always find a way to fit a workout into their schedule. So, how do we turn this goal of exercising more into a standard? We turn it from a “should” to a “must”, because once we turn it into a “must”, we will find a way!

Join a Class or Gym

If you can’t find someone who wants to work out with you, not to worry, your local gym is full of people who are there for the same reasons you are! Just like working out with a buddy, being surrounded by people with similar goals will motivate you. There are countless options like joining your local gym or a sports club, or a yoga or dance class. If you’re not a fan of the whole “gym thing” and making your own routine, joining a class is a great way to get guidance because all you have to do is follow along! Aerobic dance classes like Zumba are incredibly energizing, fun, and uplifting. Arthur Murray dance classes provide a serious workout! Classes shared with other people are always fun and often distract us from the effort of burning all those calories. This is also a great way to meet people and make friends. And you can always check the internet for an endless variety of options near you.

Ditch the Excuses!

Often the hardest part of a workout is putting on your shoes and out the door.

When I’m in Portland Oregon and it’s raining outside, it takes some real effort to get on my layers and out the door. But each and every time, within 5 minutes of being on the Arboretum or Forest Park Wildwood Trail, I am elated and grateful that I’m out there. And when it’s sunny in Portland, that is heaven!

Kids, work, pets, spouse, weather. There is at least one excuse for every day. But once you are in your workout environment, be it the beach, the trails, the gym, you will realize that you really did make the best choice! When we decide not to work out, it is usually while we are at home or work and we are still contemplating the choice. But once you are ready and on the way, you likely won’t change your mind; you’ll have the resolve to go for it. So no matter what excuse might keep you from your exercise that day, just put your shoes and workout clothes on, and get out that door.


Music is an amazing adjunct to exercise and can provide another level of energy, and distraction, to make your workouts more enjoyable. Different types of genres get us going. For some, it’s hip hop, 80’s tunes, or rock; for others, it’s soothing meditation-like music.

I resisted doing Yoga for years until I discovered ‘Rock'nRoll Yoga’ - a synthesis of core power and yoga flow, with or without weights, set to heart-pumping playlists. Now I love it and it was the music that got me there.

Or if you are looking for a more relaxed and replenishing mode choose music to help you feel that way. Regardless of the tempo, listening to music that is motivating will strengthen our workout routine. Make a playlist of your own with songs that you like and make you feel happy and energized. Whenever you are getting ready to go to the gym, turn this playlist on and it will get your mind in motivation mode, pumped, and ready to go!

Exercise to Enjoy a Healthy Life

Exercise is an essential component of living a vibrant life, and, it can sometimes be a challenge to get a program started or to keep going. Let these tools help you to get to the gym, the beach, that hike, or your yoga class. Whether you are a yogi or an avid Zumba dancer find what works for you! From a pump-up playlist to bringing your best friend along, these tools can help you to incorporate or improve your workout routine, leading to a healthier lifestyle!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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