How can I Avoid the Playoff Pounds?

The NFL Playoffs season brings unique temptations for many fans of American football. We may also think of it as the “Season of Consumption.” It can also be an opportunity to stay on course with our weight loss goals!

Between the weeks of game-time gatherings, socializing with friends, and quantities of high-carb foods, there are many temptations and opportunities to go off your weight loss plan. At BonVie we’ll help you with coaching support and lots of tips for not compromising wellness goals. With planning and commitment, you can stick to your program – and enjoy this special day!

So let’s start with some simple ways to make smart choices this month:

  • Stick to the plan. Remember the playoffs are just ONE meal at a time. - stay strictly on your weight loss protocol up to and including the big game days.

  • Don’t skip meals – missing meals to “save calories” is fallacious and sets you up for slower metabolism to burn fat. If you feel like “I’m starving” you will likely overindulge and be even more prone to temptations.

If on game day you plan to go off the program here are some strategies:

  • Have a carb-free day on the day of the game right up until kickoff.

  • Choose your favorites: for the big meal, decide which two or three side dishes you most want to have. Enjoy those and leave the others which are not your favorites. And if you want a piece of pie, reduce your other carb selections and ask for “just a sliver please”

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


February’s Slippery Slope on a Weight Loss Diet.


Try these Play-Off-Ready Air Fryer Chicken Bites!