It’s especially important to stay hydrated during warm summer weather!


When our Bon Vie clients first hear that they need at least 64oz of water each day - I wish I could get a picture of their faces as the panic sets in. I can see the wheels turning in their head. Many people think that they drink “plenty of water” but in fact are only getting 1/3 to 1/2 of what they need daily. Even more so during warm summer days from Santa Monica in Cali to Portland, OR.

Let me explain why water is so important, its benefits, and tips to consume it regularly.

Water is a major necessity

First off, about 60% of our bodies are composed of water, and it depends on it for survival. Every cell, tissue, and organ in the body needs water to work. It is required for proper kidney function, maintaining blood flow, for balance between sodium/potassium/electrolytes, and helps tremendously with digestive function. Without enough water we are dehydrated and being dehydrated actually makes us store water (like a camel!). It also weighs a lot; just think of how heavy a 5-gallon bucket of water is.

Before our clients begin our weight loss program they are typically toting around 4-6 lbs of excess water weight and complain of often feeling “bloated”. After the first week of drinking enough water, they are shocked at how much less they weigh. Symptoms of dehydration can include anxiety, confusion, fatigue, faintness, decreased concentration, muscle cramps, reduced endurance, and rapid heart rate. Pretty serious stuff…. Bottom line: water is essential for good health!

Benefits of water:

  • Healthier skin, bones, joints, mind and body, digestive system

  • Lubricates joints

  • Maintains healthy metabolism

  • Reduces fatigue, fluid retention, and risk of disease

  • Helps in weight loss

  • Improves overall energy

  • Helps build muscle

  • Increases muscle tone

  • Aids in proper circulation, controls heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature regulation

  • Prevents muscle cramping

How to consume more water:

  • Drink a glass of water when you first get up.

  • “Frontload” your day with water – try to drink most of the required 64 oz in the first ½ of the day

  • Have a water bottle with you at all times! On your desk, in your car, anywhere where you can easily access it.

  • Keep track! Have a predetermined way to measure how much you are consuming. For example: get a water bottle with the number of oz right on it (if 32oz, you know you need to empty 2 of those daily)

  • Spice it up and experiment! Infuse your water with lemon, lime, cucumbers, herbs, fruits.

  • Add some bubbles. Sparkling water counts, people!

  • Cold day? Make some hot water and squeeze a lemon in it- mmmm!

  • Have water at all your meals, Try having water first when you’re feeling hungry

  • Keep an eye on your urine…. The more yellow it is, the more dehydrated you are!

Now, drink up!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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