Empower Your Day with 10 Great Steps
Start Your Day Off Strong
10 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine
Our morning routine is something that is so essential to our daily well-being and success but is too often forgotten in the haze and craze of our mornings and neglected. It can mean the difference between having an amazing day filled with success and clarity, and just another “one of those days” where you are trying to just get by. We all know the feeling of rushing out the door in the morning with one eye open and coffee in hand. Too often, we fall victim to our busy lives and forget about this key component to a successful day. From the superhero stay-at-home mom to the incredibly busy entrepreneur, morning routines have something to offer everyone! Here are some tips for creating and optimizing your morning routine.
1. Start your morning the night before
Spend a few minutes before going to bed to prepare for the next day. Pick out your clothes for work, meal prep for your breakfast (because breakfast is the most important meal of the day!), get your kid’s things ready for school, set your Keurig to brew your favorite coffee as you’re getting up. Set out the water bottle you’ll be taking with you. These little preparations may seem like small tasks, but when all added up, you’d be surprised at how much time you can save. This extra time can be used for other things like a workout, meditation, or even extra time to make a yummy breakfast.
2. Drink water
After sleeping for nearly eight hours, our bodies have gone a long time without water. When you wake up, make it a point to drink at least 24 ounces of water. As we know by now, hydration is essential to just about everything, from mental clarity to weight loss. Have your favorite water bottle filled before you go to bed so when you wake up, it’s there, waiting for you! If you’re not an avid water drinker, try water enhancers to add some flavor. Water makes up 60% of our bodies, so go ahead and drink up!
3. Practice gratitude
Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference, and this is true for gratitude. Practicing gratitude has been shown to significantly improve our quality of life, our connections with others, and being present in the moment. Too often, we tend to focus on the not-so-great things in life, and it’s totally not our fault! It’s our prehistoric brain’s job to seek out all the negative things so that it can protect us from them, this is called a Negativity Bias. And the one antidote for this negative focus is gratitude, but it takes practice! Take out a few minutes in the morning to list and reflect on three things that you are grateful for, whether it be your kids, recent promotion, or just the fact that today is a brand new day! Implementing this simple habit into your morning routine will beautifully transform your life and the lives of the people around you.
4. Ditch the snooze button!
Sure, our beds are amazing, warm, and most likely resemble clouds, but do those extra five minutes in the morning really matter? The answer is no! When your alarm goes off in the morning, make it a habit to get right out of bed and ditch that tempting snooze button. Getting right out of bed and ready to conquer the day is a habit that is key to success. So whether you have to immediately sit up straight or literally throw yourself out of bed, get up because this beautiful world awaits you!
5. Workout
By now, we know that working is amazing for you, both physically and mentally. Make the time each morning to get your body moving and that blood flowing, whether it is a brisk walk with your dog, weight lifting, or a quick yoga session. Start small, begin with working out just one day a week and slowly increase it to two, then three, etc. You’ll not only feel great, but you’ll also look great.
6. Eat (a healthy) breakfast
Some of us are not “breakfast people”, but as we know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we can learn to love it. Whether it’s something small and simple like a smoothie, or something a little more extravagant like a veggie omelet with fruits and oatmeal, getting something (healthy) in your stomach before you take on the day is great for your metabolism and overall bodily function.
7. Make your bed
Remember when your mom always told you to make your bed? Turns out she wasn’t just hounding you to keep you room clean; there are actually reasons behind it! Studies have shown that making your bed every morning can lead to things like lower stress levels and a positive state of mind. Take out a few minutes every morning to fluff those pillows and make that bed beautiful; your mental well being will thank you later!
8. Set some daily goals
Goal setting is a habit of many successful people and is something that we can all benefit from. Take a few minutes out of every morning to set a few goals for that day. These can be anything, from maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude at work to drinking more water during the day. Taking the time to set our intentions and reflect on what we want to accomplish in our day can have incredible effects on our daily success.
9. Get inspired
Inspiration is the catalyst for amazing things and we all need it! Whether it’s a YouTube video, a quote, or a song, find something that inspires you to do better and makes you feel good. Inspiration will give you the momentum you need to take on and conquer the day.
10. Get something done
Studies suggest that willpower is highest in the morning, so why not take advantage of it? Make it a point to get something or multiple things done in the morning before you go to work. Tackle big tasks first and then move on to the smaller ones. This habit will leave you feeling accomplished and will free up your time for other things.