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Coconut Oil - So Good for You

Is it really a Super Food?

Coconut Oil is Good for Us, Inside and Out!

There are certain foods and liquids that are good for just about everything and Coconut oil falls right into this category. Not only does coconut oil contribute to good health, but also it can be used to enhance teeth, hair, and skin. There has been much controversy over the years regarding its nature as saturated fat, but recent studies reveal that a modicum of saturated fat isn’t all bad, and coconut oil should be the first one we reach for. Coconut oil makes for an amazing addition to your diet as well as your beauty routine.

Reduce inflammation and arthritis

Studies have been done on how coconut oil affects arthritis and inflammation, two serious health issues. This is especially a concern in the United States, attributed to the increasing amount of processed foods and sugars dominating our diets. It is reported that with its large amount of antioxidants Coconut oil aids in reducing inflammation in arthritis and other autoimmune and inflammatory conditions more effectively than some popular medications.

Boost your Immune system

You may not think about too much, but your immune system is an extremely important part of our everyday lives, it keeps us healthy and strong and fights off unwanted illnesses and viruses. Along with many other beneficial properties, coconut oil contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that can help boost your immune system. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, which is also known to reduce candida, fight bacteria, and give viruses a run for their money. Many diseases are caused by bacteria, funguses, and viruses in your body, but can all be combated by the amazing properties of coconut oil. Adding coconut oils to your food or drink on a weekly basis could mean the difference between you staying healthy and catching that nasty flu that has you out of commission for weeks.

Great for your gut

Another thing that we don’t think about too much when it comes to your health is your gut. Our guts are a vital part of our overall health and if not taken care of, it can lead to many health issues. Coconut oil not only can be a great remedy, but also a preventative to some serious gut issues. As mentioned before, coconut oil contains many antibacterial properties, and if you know anything about the gut, there’s a lot of bacteria in there, and the “good bacteria” is what keeps us healthy. Coconut oil’s antibacterial properties help fight off those back bacterias that creep in our guts from time to time, whether it’s from our toxic environments or our bad diets. And also as mentioned above, it fights inflammation, which can also be found in the gut. Coconut oil is an amazing addition to your diet if you are trying to remedy or just maintain your gut health.

Great for your teeth

By now we all know that coconut oil is great for your body, but you probably didn’t know that this also includes your teeth. With coconut oil’s amazing ability to fight off bacteria and extract toxins, coconut oil makes for a great mouthwash. Yes, that’s right, mouthwash. This is called Oil Pulling. It may sound weird, but it’s so worth it! Just take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for about 15 minutes (yes minutes! - it's a process) and rinse, just like mouth wash. This works by pulling toxins and bacteria from your teeth, allowing for a clean feeling. It also helps to protect your enamel and is a great alternative to your conventional mouthwashes as those contain many harmful chemicals such as fluoride. Looks for a whiter smile? Coconut oil offers this too, after consistently oil pulling, you will start to see a brighter and whiter smile, making coconut oil a great addition to your oral care routine.


Coconut oil can not only be used for health remedies, it can also make you look and feel more beautiful! Being that coconut oil is well, an oil, it can be used as an amazing moisturizer for all skin types, coconut oil can be a healthy alternative to those other lotions that you use- most of them contain alcohols and parabens that are actually harmful to your skin. Many people have turned to coconut oil for remedying their skin issues, from dry to flaky skin. It’s not only a great remedy, it can also be a preventative! There have been studies done that suggest that coconut oil delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. Being natural and more affordable compared to those expensive and synthetic anti-aging serums, coconut oil is the way to go if you are trying to enhance your look.


With all these benefits it is no wonder that coconut oil is considered a superfood.

From an anti-inflammatory and immune system booster to a skincare regimen and gut health promoter, it covers many components that contribute to your overall health and wellness. Whether you are putting a scoop on your food or in a smoothie, cooking with it, or slathering it on your face, it is a great addition to your daily routine that will leave you feeling and looking great.