The important functions of the liver keep us healthy


One of the most remarkable organs in our body is the liver. It is the largest and in some ways, the most complex, organ that we possess. Think of it as our body’s chemical factory.

Functions of the liver

Did you know the liver produces about half of the body’s cholesterol?

Most of this cholesterol becomes bile, a greenish-yellow thick, sticky fluid necessary for digestion. The liver’s cholesterol is also needed to make some of our most vital hormones including estrogen, testosterone, and adrenal hormones, and is a vital component in every cell membrane.

Sugars are stored in the liver as glycogen and then broken down and released into the bloodstream as glucose when needed. During sleep or periods when a person has not eaten for a long period, the liver releases glucose to elevate blood sugar levels in the blood.

The liver manufactures other substances, including proteins needed by the body for its functions. For example, clotting factors are proteins needed to stop bleeding. Albumin is a protein needed to maintain fluid pressure in the bloodstream.

The Liver’s Dirty Jo

The liver breaks down harmful or toxic substances (toxins) absorbed from the intestine or manufactured elsewhere in the body and then excretes them as harmless by-products into the bile or blood. By-products excreted into bile enter the intestine, then leave the body in the stool. By-products excreted into blood are filtered out by the kidneys, then leave the body in urine. The liver also chemically alters (metabolizes) drugs (see Drug Metabolism ), often making them inactive or easier to excrete from the body.

Detoxifying our body

Detoxification is one of the liver’s most essential roles. We are surrounded by and inundated with toxins on a daily basis. Some are airborne, some are in our home, work, and play environments, and some are in our foods. In foods, everything from preservatives to added hormones can act as harmful substances making their way into our bodies. These chemicals need to be metabolized and that's what our liver does.

It is the liver’s job to rid our body of these toxins but if we ingest too many harmful chemicals or toxins , the result can be an overload for the liver.

That is why we really want to pay attention to what we eat and making better food choices...

Stick to eating organic and cutting back on processed foods, or we can also help out our livers by eating certain foods that help it run optimally. As with so many health issues, an overloaded liver can be improved with your daily diet- what a beautiful thing that we have the power to determine the quality of our physical health just by eating the right food!

Here are some foods that help detoxify your body.


If you’re a garlic lover, you’re in luck! Garlic has many health benefits, one of them being the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your liver flush out toxins. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, two compounds that aid in the cleansing of the liver. Even if you don’t like the strong taste of plain garlic it can be disguised in many cooking methods combined with other flavors. So go for the garlic – it’s great for your liver!


If you didn’t already know, beets are amazing. Yes, those Christmas-ball-like purple roots that can stain just about everything work wonders for your liver. Beets offer many health benefits, from reducing inflammation to increasing blood flow, and yes, liver detoxification. Adding some cooked beets to your weekly diet can boost your liver's ability to detoxify your body. Being high in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene, they make a great choice in helping your liver do its work.

Leafy Greens

We all know by now that pretty much anything green is good for you, well, not a green Jolly Rancher, of course. I’m talking about spinach, arugula, mustard greens, beet tops, and kale as prime examples of greens that aid in liver detoxification. Being very high in chlorophylls, they suck up environmental toxins from the bloodstream, helping your liver with the detox process. Too much effort to get those 3-4 cups of leafy greens in every day? Try our delicious Green Shake.

Citrus Fruits

Lemon, lime, and grapefruit are all examples of citrus fruits to support detoxification in your body. Being very high in vitamin C, these wonder fruits aid the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Just a squeeze of lemon into your daily water can help amazing effects on your health! For a great morning boost, try a sprinkle of cayenne in the bottom of a coffee mug, fill it with hot water and a lemon slice, and rev up your metabolism big time!

Sweet Potatoes

Now we're not talking about your grandmother's sweet potato pie because that's loaded with sugar. But from yams to Okinawan Sweet Potatoes, the sweet potato family offers amazing benefits for your liver. Just like beets, sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene which aids in liver detoxification and is also a natural anti-inflammatory. They are also high in vitamin A which your liver loves and is needed in various parts of the body.

Green Tea

It's that yummy green powder that everyone loves! Green Tea is another one of those foods that packs a powerful punch! From metabolism to detoxification, green tea offers numerous health benefits. Green tea is full of antioxidants , which we already know if good for many things but is also great for liver detoxification. Just one scoop of green tea in your smoothie should do the trick!


Who doesn’t love buttery yummy avocados? Not only do they taste good but they are so good for you. Not only are they considered a “good fat”, but they are great for your liver! Assisting your body with producing glutathione, it helps your liver do its job of detoxifying your body of nasty toxins. Have some fun making great guacamole at home and enjoy the healthy-liver benefits. Or add a 1/2 Avocado into that smoothie.

Make Good Choices

Toxins and food and environmental chemicals are ever-present and for most people are an unfortunate part of our daily lives. That's why being purposeful in our food selection when shopping and preparing meals is vital to our health and longevity. Stocking up on liver-loving foods will help ensure that your body functions optimally. Whether it is as simple as a squeeze of lemon in your water, a freshly sliced grapefruit, a cup of green tea, or a complex recipe with garlic, incorporating these foods into your diet can make a difference in both your physical and mental health. Your liver is such a critical organ. Let’s help it out.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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