The Link between Obesity and Cancer

How Obesity can lead to cancer...


Obesity has been on the rise since the seventies when we began the falsely advised switch to high carbohydrate diets. Despite the promises, since that time the rates of cardiovascular disease have nearly tripled, and obesity-related disease has skyrocketed. Obesity is not particular these days - it affects adults and children, men and men, young and old, any race and gender. And in most cases, obesity is the direct result of our overconsumption of carbohydrates, low intake of healthy animal proteins, and our inactive lifestyles.

Obesity is an issue for our health in a variety of ways, ranging from developing diseases to aggravating muscle and joint pain. With years of research, the list of obesity-caused diseases has grown alarmingly long and now includes increasing the chances of developing some forms of cancer.

How is Obesity Causing Cancer?

High amounts of excess body fat can increase the amount of hormones and growth factors in our bodies… which can have direct impacts on promoting cancer growth. Additionally, insulin and leptin are increased with long-term, excess weight and can influence the growth of cancerous cells.

What are the mechanisms behind cancer? , which is committed to research, education, and action, outlines several mechanisms linking obesity to cancer; they include:

  • Fat tissue produces excess amounts of estrogen (high levels of which have been associated with the risk of breast and endometrial cancers)

  • Increased levels of insulin (a condition known as hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance) may promote the development of certain tumors

  • Fat cells produce hormones, called adipokines, which may stimulate or inhibit cell growth.

  • Fat cells may also have direct and indirect effects on other tumor growth regulators.

  • People with obesity often have chronic low-level, or "subacute" inflammation, which has been associated with increased cancer risk.

What Types of Cancer is Obesity Associated With?

In a study Diabetes and Obesity Link To Cancer, the author explores what may be causing cancer progression in obese people. One of the leading scientists from the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid stated, “We were surprised to realize that changes in our metabolism caused by dietary sugar impacts our cancer risk. We are now investigating what other dietary components may influence our cancer risk. Changing diet is one of the easiest prevention strategies that can potentially save a lot of suffering and money."

Obesity has the ability to increase your chance of developing several different types of cancer including, but not limited to:

  • Breast (after menopause)

  • Colon and rectal

  • Endometrium (lining of the uterus)

  • Esophagus

  • Gallbladder

  • Kidney

  • Pancreas

  • Thyroid

How Can I Prevent Obesity and Cancer?

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) suggests a few simple steps and small life changes to drastically reduce your chances of developing cancer. AICR believes if you follow at least one of these steps, you’ll lower your risk of cancer… but if you following all three you’ll be taking huge steps in improving your health and drastically reducing your risk of cancer.

1. Eat Healthy Food. Choose low glycemic plant foods, eat lots of low-fat protein, and avoid processed meat

2. Get Physical, and Move More! Be physically active every day in any way for 30 minutes or more

3. Pay Attention To How Much You Weigh. Track your weight over time especially as hormonal changes for both women and men affect healthy aging.

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


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