BonVie Weight Loss and Wellness

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So, How Many Carbs Per Day Are Okay?

Our bodies need carbohydrates, but it’s important to know how many we should eat daily, and what kinds they should be.

The following descriptions illustrate how carbohydrates impact the human body and the degree to which we need them, or not, in our diet. The ranges represent daily averages and are subject to variables like age, current height and weight, and particularly training and fitness volume.

300 or more grams/day - Danger Zone!

This daily consumption is easy to reach with the “normal” American diet (cereals, pasta, rice, bread, waffles, pancakes, muffins, soft drinks, packaged snacks, sweets, desserts). High risk of excess fat storage, inflammation, increased disease markers including Metabolic Syndrome or diabetes. Sharp reduction of grains and other processed carbs is critical.

150-300 grams/day – Steady, Insidious Weight Gain

This level produces a continued and higher insulin-stimulating effect that prevents efficient fat burning and contributes to widespread chronic disease conditions. This range – alarmingly, recommended by the USDA and other diet authorities – can lead to the statistical US average gain of 1.5 pounds of fat per year for forty years.

100-150 grams/day – Maintenance Range

This range is based on body weight and activity level. When combined with exercise, it allows for optimal fat burning and muscle development. Range derived from Grok’s (ancestors’) example of enjoying abundant low glycemic vegetables and some fruits, minimizing grains and sugars.

50-100 grams/day – Slow Weight Loss

By avoiding most fruits, carbs, and alcohol, and staying satisfied with low-glycemic vegetables and high protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, nuts) meeting the average daily protein requirements (.5 grams protein per lb of body weight), you can lose about 1 pound of body fat per week.

45-50 grams/day – Ketosis and Accelerated Fat Burning

This is how the Bon Vie program works, causing rapid fat loss! Limiting carbs minimizes insulin production and ramps up fat metabolism. By sparing muscle mass with the Ideal Protein high-bio-available protein foods along with your own protein, avoiding all fruits, carbohydrates, and alcohol you can lose two to four pounds of body fat per week and then keep it off forever by eating in the maintenance range.