Whittle Your Waist with Water!

Proper hydration aids weight loss!

How many times have you heard this “Drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day” – and those of you who know me here and especially those of you who are on the Ideal Protein weight-loss method, hear me say it a lot "Drink 2 liters a day". Why?

Your body retains water when you’re dehydrated (like a camel) so staying hydrated prevents you from looking puffy and feeling bloated. When you are retaining water and bloated - you weigh more on the scale.

That retained water slows down fat burning. Those water molecules tend to glom onto and around our visceral fat cells. The glycerides inside the fat cell (adipocyte) need to get through the cell membrane to form triglycerides to be burned as fat. Retained water creates an extra barrier for the glycerides to penetrate and slows down fat burning.

Makes sense right?!

Bonus: Water may also help you make smarter food choices. Researchers at Queens College of the City University of New York recently found that people who drink more plain water, as opposed to beverages that contain water, like coffee, tea, juice, and soda, scarf down more figure-friendly fiber and consume less waist-widening sugar and “calorie-dense” foods than those who opt for flavored drinks.

Water: it works!

Sharon LaCroix

Founder of Bon Vie Weight Loss


Fueling our Bodies for Weight Loss


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